In case you think that the only "T" word in the Republican vocabulary is "Terrorists", I have another for you, and that is "Taxes", and it is already being trotted out to replace Terrorists, especially next month as the new attack upon this great country of democracy, religious piety, and generosity.
Americans are really chumps for making and/or saving money, even at someone else's expense. Morality and common purpose do not really figure into the financial equation. As I recall, it was Ronald Reagan who really started the ball rolling on feeling put-upon at being required to pay taxes, especially for those services which you do not need (such as good schools if you are old or childless) or the accoutrements of modern life (such as highway upkeep, if you don't drive very often). And George W. Bush is out-mastering the master with his tax breaks for the very rich.
As for the poor, if they cannot afford to pay taxes, they don't deserve any of the services. It's their fault if they are uneducated and too lazy to work. "I made my money, so why should I have to help you?" ( Many of those in the middle class, as well as most of those in the upper class, have never made a cent themselves, and they live off the income from inheritance, as do I.)
Gambling is one of the most morally pernicious of all sins, yet somehow you feel that you are doing a civic good deed if your way of paying taxes is to buy what you hope is a winning lottery ticket.
If these approaches don't work, blame your reluctance to pay taxes on the crooks in government or their minions.
Somehow, we have got to start being, not only willing, but glad to pay taxes as our way of contributing to the common good, to accomplish those things together which we cannot do alone.
MAGA Cultist Encounter
It was right after I clocked in from lunch that I encountered two ladies. I
was riding the elevator down from the sixth floor of the children’s
1 week ago
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I got a real honest kick out of your take on taxes. As a life long socialdemocrat and Nother European, I absolutely refuse to believe that you are an American with the sentiments that would be so representatively mainstream in the Scandinavia. Or are you?
Thanks so much for your comment, Pekka. I am just larning how to reply to comments. Hope this goes through. Littlebill
Pekka, I forgot to answer your question. Yes, I belong to the Democratic socialists of America and will certainly vote for anyone who gets on a ballot. I came from a Republican family (in Wyoming) and now vote Democratic if that is the only alternative.
Good point Little Bill! By the way why do you think that gambling is the most pernicious of all sins? Don't you think there might be something worse?
Thank you for catching me in a poor selection of words (sin). I was thinking of it in terms of sins like drinking and smoking, not killing thousands of people to satisfy one's sense that he has been chosen by God to change the world.
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BINGO!! I think that mostly the poor buy lottery tickets, too.