When Bush gave his victory speech about why he chose to veto the stem cell reseach legislation again on the basis of his personal religious beliefs, he was surrounded, as usual, by adoring invited fans who clapped approvingly at his decision.
It might have been more balanced in this great Democracy of ours if he had included the loved ones of those who have died of diseases that stem cell research might have saved, and who, therefore, were not able to be present.
MAGA Cultist Encounter
It was right after I clocked in from lunch that I encountered two ladies. I
was riding the elevator down from the sixth floor of the children’s
1 week ago
I do have respect for those who believe that abortion is wrong and I myself don't believe in late term abortions, but a women has a right to control her body. But I am mystified by those who give signal-cell embryos the same rights as a baby and are against stem cell research but say nothing of the embryos that are flushed away in reproductive centers.
While Dragonwife and I were in the process of adopting Miss Wiggles from China many couples upon hearing of our "project" would assume that we had reproductive problems and would automatically recommend their doctor helping them. Many of these couples while undergoing fertility treatments would stand up and declaring that they were against abortion. Knowing a little about how fertility treatments are done I could not help but wonder how many in vitro embryos of their's were flushed away so they could carry one child to term. And never did many of these couples even mention that they considered adoption.
Great comment, Beach, and you touched on all of the central points.
By the way, I may have already told you that my daughter and her husband adopted a girl in China and another girl in Kazakhstan.
I'm so glad to hear from you. Love to you and Dragonwife and your family.
Like all of his others, this veto by GWB is PBS. (Pure Bull Shit)
Bush is the head of a cult: a cult of feigned stupidity, a modern know-nothing. But he is ingenious. He gets people to vote against their own schools, against their own medicine, against their own science, against their own class and national interests; against their own planet. Talk about suiciders! Bush at bottom represents the high priest of self-destructive, kool-aid swilling, mass suicides. He has met and surpassed James Jones' ability in getting the masses sacrifice for him.
Little bill you are entirely right. I won't get into it but I wrote partly about this myself. I can't stand that smug so and so.
Stem cell research might be the only thing that saves my sister's life, so his decision was another difficult blow, along with the decline of the health care system in America, and the government's refusal to give her social security even though she cannot work.
Take a look at the most The most obscene photograph ever.
It is obscene, indeed.