Michelle Obama’s Speech Today 12/31/07
Don’t miss this marvelous speech by Michelle Obama in Iowa on behalf of her husband. If you think Barak is a good speaker, “you ain’t heard nuthin’ yet,” as the saying goes. So far as I could see, she had no paper or electronic reminders of what she was going to say. Everything she said was what was in her own brain, and it was delivered with both grace and conviction. The speech lasted 1 hour and 3 minutes, and you just didn’t want it to stop. (It didn’t do any harm that she is a lovely looking woman and knows how to speak.)
But it was what she had to say that was riveting to a roomful of white men and women in their 60’s to 80’s, as well as many younger people, and they were both charmed and educated by what they heard.
Her speech can be heard by going here. I watched it live on C-Span this afternoon, and I am sure it will be rebroadcast sometime in the near future.
MAGA Cultist Encounter
It was right after I clocked in from lunch that I encountered two ladies. I
was riding the elevator down from the sixth floor of the children’s
1 week ago
I've heard several of her previous speeches and she does ooze conviction and grace. Here in SC the Hillary victory is by no means a sure thing now. Hoping for the best these next few days. Welcome back and Happy New Year 'Bill
Happy New Year, Little Bill! And you, too Beach Bum!
Hi little bill!
I was watching her and the kids stump with him today Definitely an asset. I didn't hear her speech though so thanks for the link. I will check it out now.
Hi little bill just wanted to say Hi, what do you think of Obama? I hope you are well, and take care!
I wil be gone most of the day tomorrow. I go down to meet with Jerome Golman, the relentess liberal tomorrow He is still lecturing and he is 90 now, can you believe it!
Thanks for calling me about Michelle O. She was worth listening to!
Hi little bill
Just seeing if you have anything new. Hope all is well! I still love looking at that picture with mercury. How is the little dickens?