The major problem, especially with Republicans, is propagandizing the American public to feel that taxes are an imposition that they should resent, particularly if the taxes go to help someone else. (At the same time, the rest of the world is told what a truly generous nation we are. Are you really sure that all of the charitable funds which this administration boasts about distributing all over the world really get there and are not dissipated through fraud, as has happened in Iraq?)
The economic levels between the rich and the poor have been so extreme that one would think we, as individuals, would recognize that something is morally wrong? Many people, including many of those not so rich, consider it a duty and a privilege to contribute to the welfare of all. It should be a lifelong habit, for example, for those who don’t use the freeways, those who don’t have any children in school, and those who can afford at least a token of care for the country as a whole to contribute. (Don’t they teach you any of this stuff in church?)
Under my plan, instead of giving tax breaks to everyone, including the rich, the degree of richness should be adjusted downward to the very bottom, where even those citizens are paid a wage that can sustain them and their families, with enough to spare, so that we end up with everyone being able to pay some amount of taxes to contribute to the welfare of the nation, with even the poorest feeling both the duty and the pride of being part of the system.
MAGA Cultist Encounter
It was right after I clocked in from lunch that I encountered two ladies. I
was riding the elevator down from the sixth floor of the children’s
1 week ago
Hi little bill!
To Bush taxes should be paid by the working class to benefit the wealthy and the corrupt. That's why he insists on no over sight.
He does not want to help the poor. The right wants welfare stopped and unfunded liabilities (medicaid and medicare) cut all together. You must have heard that scum Romney! I like your plan!
Hi little bill!
I wanted to say yesterday I am glad to see you are writing more often!
little bill for President!
Bravo you have my vote: Under my plan, instead of giving tax breaks to everyone, including the rich, the degree of richness should be adjusted downward to the very bottom, where even those citizens are paid a wage that can sustain them and their families, with enough to spare, so that we end up with everyone being able to pay some amount of taxes to contribute to the welfare of the nation, with even the poorest feeling both the duty and the pride of being part of the system.
Thanks so much for your vote, Av Pat. I wish I knew how to get my message to someone in Congress.