Who among those children educated in American schools and taught at least the rudimentary historic milestones has not heard of at least one of the two milestones listed above? It must be admitted that there have been many more milestones added to the roads to hell since then, so one begins to become surfeited with such a wealth of terrible information.
Still, don’t you sort of wonder why Hamas has been shelling Israel for such a long period of time? Are they just a bunch of bums (similar to many like them who can be found in this country) who like to just shoot things up for the fun of it when there’s not much else to do?
According to the wonderful book by Martin Gilbert, from which I quoted in my previous blog, it is well known that the Jews have been kicked around and humiliated by countries covering most of the Old World, and they have finally determined to take back the land containing those treasured religious sites so dear to them. Following the 1967 War, the animosity among the various groups living in that area, especially with the Jews, came to a boiling point which evidently culminated in the rise of Hamas. The terrible situation within which the various national and religious groups find themselves appears almost insoluble. What disturbs me most in recent reporting is that emphasis is put upon the Israeli Jews, while the possibly valid historical motivation of Hamas and other groups has not been mentioned.
(Incidentally, while we Americans consider ourselves the greatest nation in the world, and do not hesitate to keep the rest of the world so-educated, do you ever seriously stop to think that the Indians might have a claim to it but live mostly in such poverty that they haven’t the social or physical wherewithal to do anything about it? When we think of Americans, most of us think only of whites. We are gradually and grudgingly adding blacks, but hispanics are pretty much a nono in this enlightened period.)
Back to my title and Israel and Gaza. The number of dead in Gaza has risen above one thousand, with little in the way of food, water, or help for those still living. There was a news report today that starving dogs are roaming the streets feeding upon the corpses of dead children. (And as an animal lover, I cannot bear to lie awake at night thinking of the animals, the ultimate helpless victims of human violence.)
MAGA Cultist Encounter
It was right after I clocked in from lunch that I encountered two ladies. I
was riding the elevator down from the sixth floor of the children’s
1 week ago
Hi little bill
So glad to see you back! Your hand must be better, good! I have written very extensively on this and have been collaborating with Jerome Grossman the 91 yr old Relentless Liberal!
We often disagree but we both feel Bashir (Israel's nuclear facility ) is the goal. With better rockets smuggled into Gaza through the tunnels Hamas is getting closer!
Anyway you look at it Israel says they may be done but I still think this is just beginning. The original goal of attacking Iraq was to get into the middle east to help Israel with their buffer zone and establish a new middle east order.
Years ago I figured coming to Israel's aid would be our in to furthering this mess. We will find out soon!
Hi little bill!
While I am thinking of it I wanted to correct something I wrote! I said Bashir or however it is spelled, that is in Iran. I meant Dimona!
Now! hasn't vigilante been in touch with you? I just want to suggest that you have your son in law or someone update your site to the new Blogger. It only takes a minute and is so much better!
It is so much more efficient and once you do those on your blog roll will be notified when you do write a post. Hope you are well!
Now that I know you are back I am checking in on you again! I still recommend you get someone to switch you to the new blogger so those who have you on their blog roll like me know when you do an update!
I have to say, I was just reading this again and you certainly have a way with words. Take care my friend!
Hi little Bill
Hope you are well! Thought I would say Hi and I keep forgetting to say I have been to the Alamo and it is pretty small expecially in the middle of San Antonio surrounded by those big buildings!
Hi Little Bill
I hope you are well and will enlighten me with your wit as soon as you can. Take care!
Hi little bill
I was just thinking about you so I thought I would see if you had anything new and say hi, I hope you are well!
Hi little Bill
Obama is doing a great job in just a couple of days isn't he? We are leaving Iraq quicker, Hamas and Israel found common ground, the entire world is ready to cooperate. Yeah, we have a chance. Hope you are well!