After several days of intense pain relieved by Vicodin, I am doing much better today. Also, have had several changes of caregivers here at home, which has taken time from thinking about blogging and emailing.
I still have my scary experiences at one of the two convalescent care homes to which I was sent to write about. Which reminds me—when I retired as a librarian, I volunteered to deliver meals to shut-ins in Berkeley three times a week. Many lived in the poorest parts of town, and my dearest memories are of them. I got 4 of my dogs as a result of promising to take them when their owners either went into rest homes or died.
I went often to visit one dear little lady (whose chihuahua I adopted) who moved into a low level rest home, and I remember how much she looked forward to moving there, and how much she regretted it after she moved. I also remember the lost souls sitting in the halls in wheel chairs, who reached for my hand and begged me to get them out. (I have written before about the punishment of dragging on forever like that with no conrol over how and when one’s life should end.)
My story, on the other hand, is quite different. Hope to get to it tomorrow.
MAGA Cultist Encounter
It was right after I clocked in from lunch that I encountered two ladies. I
was riding the elevator down from the sixth floor of the children’s
1 week ago
OhMyGodess, Little Bill! If you're in pain, the last thing I should be putting on your blog are my last two posts. These are nothing if not pain-inducing. By all means, feel free to delete them. Sorrrrrrry!
We're not goin' to leave you, Lil'Bill! Might push Dawg out in a canoe without a paddle, though. If he doesn't stop posting all of this pathos he's dealing out to us.
All right little Bill!
we will not leave you! I am really glad to see you back. What you describe though Is what I have one elder going through right now out of necessity and the other in the hospital and right behind.
You though will have a different story and I hope to hear it. You will be okay.
Hi little bill
Just a note to let you know I am thinking of you and looking forward to future communication when you are up to it. I hope all is well with you.