Al Gore will be taking his crusade against global warming before
Congress on next Wednesday, 3/21/07.This is to urge all of my friends to go to his site,
and sign in to be on his list at the earliest possible time.
MAGA Cultist Encounter
It was right after I clocked in from lunch that I encountered two ladies. I
was riding the elevator down from the sixth floor of the children’s
1 week ago
Name added, but I'm still somewhat mad at Al for not declaring to run that night at the Oscars.
The scary thing lately about global warming is that main stream scientists are spending time developing plans on uber-projects to counter global warming. Local paper here ran an AP article outlining three projects. The best was seeding iron in the desert sections of the oceans to promote algae growth to suck up CO2. The second was sending "trillions" of reflective disks into space to reflect light. As much as I would like to see an expanded space program I don't like this one. And the last one I remember was a plan deploying huge towers holding filters that would capture CO2 as the wind blew through them. They called this one some sort of artificial trees plan. Which begs the question of why not just do a massive tree planting across the world.
They're saying Big Al is shedding a few pounds, Beach. If so, what can that portend?
Got to agree, BB, those are some really weird solutions. I'm not a scientist, so who am I to say? On the other hand, we have some really weird weapons these days too.
Beach, I am awere of those scientific pursuits to save the life on eart. It struck me funny, that those silicone based disk between us and the Sun would carry a price tag of $ 300 trillion. Oh yes, lets dilly dally, do nothing "hasty", leave the whole mess till there is no tommorow and, ofcourse, at that point spend all we got, and keep our fingers crossed. Sounds like a heck of a plan to me, Brownie!
Hi there,
the main problem with Al Gore is that he doesn't practice what he preaches.
Hello etzel,
It's true, that Gore doesn't live in the green one bedroom bungalow. However, the message is unquestionably right even if messenger falls a bit short. Compare that to the present day preacher in the White House...
Good answer, Pekka, but . . . a good messenger never fall short. . . Some folks are always looking for a reason not to accept the message.
Unfortunately, the people who live in green, one-bedroom huts live mostly in third-world countries. The rest live in slums right next to great wealth. As a rule, none of those groups know or care about global warming.
Outside of a few principled and determined people who are living the green life on purpose, the rest of us (including me) are either just kind of coasting in place or doing little things here and there. I will say for myself that since I moved into my present home I have had the lawn replaced with native plants and irrigated with a drip system, energy-saving bulbs in my lamps, solar energy producing panels on the roof, and an energy-saver refrigerator in the kitchen.
But the two things that ANYONE can afford to do are probably what contribute most to the environment. The first is combining as many errands as possible in your driving habits (as well as driving slower). The second, that even people without cars can do, is take your own bags to the grocery store. If you can afford to buy them at $3 to $4 apiece, they last almost forever. If you cannot, then use your paper bags over. I had paper bags that I used for over a year. And you can use the same bags in any or all stores. Even better, if you don't have much to carry YOU CAN SAY YOU DON'T NEED A BAG. I don't mean to sound preachy, but these steps are easy, and they DO make a difference.
As for Al Gore, even if he does have a big new house, he deserves it. He has done more than anyone else I am aware of to try to save this planet.
Messenger, there are messengers and then there are MESSENGERS. You are, naturally, a MESSENGER. :)
LittleBill, if I needed a remainder why I love you, this comment of yours was it. You are so "with it", hip, cool and maybe even groovy! Is there any chance, that you would tell more about yourself...sort of memoirs in installments? I loved seeing a climpse of your life with the cats and rats at Beach Bum's and it was absolutely great read.
Thanks much for your kind words, Pekka. I'm thinking.
I enjoyed watching Inhofe's performance today, under Senator Boxer's gavel.
BTW, Following a chain of links, I turned up this explanation for Inhofe's stubborn opposition to Gore:
Whistleblower explains, environmentalism is nothing less than the global elitists' replacement ideology for communism/socialism. With communism largely discredited today – after all, 100-150 million people died at the hands of communist "visionaries" during the last century – elitists who desire to rule other people's lives have gravitated to an even more powerful ideology. More powerful because it seems to trump all other considerations, as it claims the very survival of life on earth is dependent on implementing its agenda.
Now, I think that's a simply amazin' statement. If you take a moment to reflect on it, you might see how this kind of thinking totally explains a lot of stuff, including why we are stuck up to our balls in I-Wreck.
I have to share with my friends here that I have participated in a couple of discussions about Al Gore. I have visited the pages of who I always enjoy, as well as the pages of Wizard, whom I always try to annoy.
Just in case anyone here is inclined to wander off the beaten path and join me!
Pekka, try Life's Rhythms.
Another observation on Gore's appearance (crossposted):
I happened to think the Republican Senator from Idaho who quarreled with Gore on nuclear power, exhibited the kind of intelligent partisanship that used to hold sway in our legislative bodies. He was confrontive, yet informative. He didn't have to read his questions (although it was obvious he was literate); he had relevant and technical facts with which he seeded his lecture to Gore. His was a refreshing and surprising example which evoked in me some nostalgia about what it used to be like in the Senate.