Left to right, they are Floyd Brown, Bruce Hawkins, and James Lacy.
Mr. Brown, 47, a 6-foot-6 bear of a man is perhaps best known for his involvement with the Willie Horton television advertisement that helped sink Michael S. Dukakis’s candidacy in 1988. According to the NYT, Brown is a bruiser who has a placard on his wall that says:
That is why for Christ’s sake I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.

Know your enemy, They are doing their damnedest ....
I am sick of hear the BS and having Obama decried it is McCain the country better fear!
It is a McCain who plans to fight on in Iraq for years to come and who might launch military Another close McCain adviser is former CIA director James Woolsey, who has openly advocated bombing Syria.
Such a group of warlike counselors has raised fears that McCain may strike Iran to stop its suspected quest for a nuclear weapon, triggering a fresh war in the Middle East. The Republican candidate has openly joked about bombing Tehran. It was just over a year ago, in the tiny borough of Murrells Inlet in South Carolina, and McCain faced a small crowd in one of his characteristic town hall meetings.
As McCain stood on the stage, one man asked him about the 'real problem' in the Middle East. 'When are we going to send an airmail message to Tehran?' the man pleaded. McCain laughed and - to the tune of the Beach Boys' classic 'Barbara Ann' - began to sing: 'Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.' But some think McCain's joke may well become policy. 'I think a McCain presidency would be very likely to strike Iran,' says Cliff Schecter, author of a new book, The Real McCain. You can count on it!
These are the neo-Rovians.