Every time Sen. McCain makes an appearance before the press, I find myself hunting for his face on the screen. He is a rather ordinary looking man who speaks softly and has to rely on saying mean things with a wistful smile about his opponent in the run for the Presidency.
The Man with the Goofy Grin, however, is everywhere at once. He must run from one camera to another in order to let his presence be known to the American public.
Why is he there? He will remain nameless on this page, but he must be there for a purpose which he believes is of major importance in this campaign. Do you think he might be REALLY hoping he will become the vice presidential nominee again? (OOPS, I don’t want to give anything away, but I’ll be looking for his face on the screen if he doesn’t make the grade again. Wouldn’t you know, I just goofed again!)
MAGA Cultist Encounter
It was right after I clocked in from lunch that I encountered two ladies. I
was riding the elevator down from the sixth floor of the children’s
1 week ago
Hi Little Bill
Happy 4th! I find McCain's smirk or feigned grin or whatever you call it very scary, disconcerting, and alarming. now more of Bush Rove is tied in with McCaine Mutiny's campaign. Not like Bush, hell!
Yeah! Like which one is the goofier?
Happy 4th of July, Lil' Bill!
I know you've been concerned about the traffic to your blog. I just encountered the 1% Rule and thought you would be interested. It states that actually only 1% users of the internet actually create anything (like posts) and only 10% actually interact (like comment)! So, you rank pretty high, as well as all who comment here!
I think most Republicans rather have Lieberman at their convention than Bush. Some, like very Republican Representative Dana Rohrabacher of California, simply wish Mr. Bush would keep out of the campaign, though few would say so openly:
"I don't think there are a lot of people who want to see him at the convention. He should stay home from the Republican convention, and everybody would be better off."
I believe some of you missed the subject of my post. It is Lieberman, and he and Bush are rivals for the title.
Come to think of it, both qualify equally dismally for the position.
Addendum: Thanks, Yellow Dog, for your encouragement.
Lieberman's is a goofy grin but McCain's is scary as the dickens. What do you think of Lieberman his handler being his pick for VP?
Hi. AP: I can't think of a scarier twosome.
More important, how are your sons? I think of them with every day's news.
Hi little bill
They most definitely are a scary pair! As for my sons tom is still insisting on getting into the combat engineers. Joe just back from Iraq was just here and is doing great. Jim is in Iraq i think until April and just reenlisted and is doing very well. Thank you for thinking of them and you take care of yourself!
Happy belated 4th of July greetings from Baghdad to all of you!
Happy Belated Fourth to you Plagiarist! One of my sons is over there in the Turkey Iran corner. Best of luck!
Patriot, did you follow the Plagiarist's link? I fear you missed his irony!
That's funny i didn't check the link before so thanks!
Hi little bill, thinking of you and hope you are well!
Hi, Av Pat:
I'm doing OK. How about you, and especially, how about your sons? I think of them every time I read the news.
Hi little bill
I am okay! Stresses are increasing as we close in on the election as no one knows what to expect this time and running out of time Bush gets worse and worse.
My sons are okay as gar as I know. Joe leaves tomorrow! His plane is going to Hawaii, Australia, and New Zealand, for 15 days. In December he goes back to Iraq. Jim called again yesterday from there. He says he is a basket case but is doing fine. The tours are taking a toll on him! December 9 I fly to Florida to meet another son so I can drive home with him. now you take care, be well, and stay in touch!