My Apologies
When my health started to go down last year, I kind of forgot which groups you were in and stopped separating emails to friends according to your wishes, and have been mostly sending everything to Everyone. And then I made things worse for you by passing on incoming emails from other people. I had hundreds to go through when I got back to the computer, and I ended up unwittingly passing the heap to the rest of you.
Now I have decided to go back to a category method, if you will each help by letting me know what you want. They are:
Blog only – for those who want to read what I write on my blog only,
LittleBill Says - for those who want to read what I write, but don’t
have access to my blog (same thing)
Everyone – mostly important information that I get from other sources
about things of possible interest to all, such as education, politics, and
world affairs
Serious Stuff – mainly politics, religion, and social concerns passed on by
me from other emailers and sources
Fun Stuff – mainly cute animal pictures, unusual landscapes and architecture, music, some jokes, and other things that children would like,
passed on by me from others
My email address has been changed to
There may be some of you who have too much to cope with and would like to (gasp!) be dropped from my master list. If so, please let me know so that I can erase them. I’ll be happy to do so, BUT I’LL REMEMBER! Love to all. Anne, LittleBill
Note: The sooner I hear from you, the sooner I can try to clean things up for you from here.
MAGA Cultist Encounter
It was right after I clocked in from lunch that I encountered two ladies. I
was riding the elevator down from the sixth floor of the children’s
1 week ago
Little Bill
I want to know everything but I don't have to tell you that. You just take care of yourself and stay in touch!
Hi little Bill
just seeing if you had anything to say so just want to say Hi!
Just stopping by to say hi and see what is new with you. Take care!
Hi Little bill
Just looking in so I will say I hpe you aree well and say Hello Anne!
Hi little Bill!
Hi Little Bill
You have me stopping by every day now to see if you have anything new and nothing. I hope you are resting and well!
Hi little Bill
Just your pesky little pain in the neck checking you out. You take care and I hope all is well!
Hi little Bill
I miss hearing from you, hope you are well!
Hi little Bill
Still with you my friend hope you are well!
Hi little bill my friend
Just want to say I hope you are well and you rest and have a nice week end!
Hi little bill
Keep stopping by hoping to see some new output. Hope you are well!
Hi my little Bill are you up for a call?